List Of Accommodations And Modifications Georgia

By | July 14, 2024

List of Accommodations and Modifications Georgia: Supporting Students with Disabilities

List of Accommodations and Modifications Georgia: Supporting Students with Disabilities

Hey there, educators and parents. Are you looking for ways to support students with disabilities in Georgia? Look no further. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the list of accommodations and modifications Georgia offers to help students succeed.

What are Accommodations and Modifications?

Before we dive into the list of accommodations and modifications Georgia, let’s define what these terms mean. Accommodations are changes made to the learning environment or instructional methods to help students with disabilities access the curriculum. Modifications, on the other hand, are changes made to the curriculum itself to make it more accessible.

List of Accommodations and Modifications Georgia

Assistive Technology

  • Text-to-speech software
  • Speech-to-text software
  • Braille displays
  • Wheelchair-accessible computer labs

Instructional Accommodations

  • List of accommodations and modifications Georgia for instructional strategies:
    • Multisensory instruction
    • Graphic organizers
    • Visual schedules
    • Breaking down tasks into smaller steps

Assessment Accommodations

  • List of accommodations and modifications Georgia for assessments:
    • Extended time to complete tests
    • A quiet, separate room for testing
    • Use of a calculator or other assistive technology
    • Braille or large print tests

Physical Accommodations

  • List of accommodations and modifications Georgia for physical needs:
    • Wheelchair-accessible classrooms and restrooms
    • Adaptive physical education programs
    • Occupational therapy to help with fine motor skills
    • Use of a physical aide to support mobility

Social/Emotional Accommodations

  • List of accommodations and modifications Georgia for social/emotional needs:
    • Counseling services to support mental health
    • Social skills training to help with relationships
    • Positive behavioral supports to encourage good behavior
    • A behavioral intervention plan (BIP) to address specific behaviors

Communication Accommodations

  • List of accommodations and modifications Georgia for communication:
    • Use of a communication device, such as a picture communication symbol
    • Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices
    • Sign language interpreters or translators
    • Closed captioning on video materials

Accommodations and Modifications in the IEP

In Georgia, students with disabilities have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that outlines their list of accommodations and modifications. The IEP team, which includes parents, teachers, and other support staff, work together to develop a plan that meets the student’s unique needs.

  • List of accommodations and modifications Georgia in the IEP:
    • A statement of the student’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance
    • A statement of the student’s annual goals and objectives
    • A description of the special education and related services the student will receive
    • A statement of the accommodations and modifications the student will receive

Accommodations and Modifications in the 504 Plan

In addition to the IEP, some students with disabilities may also have a 504 Plan. This plan outlines the list of accommodations and modifications the student will receive to ensure equal access to education.

  • List of accommodations and modifications Georgia in the 504 Plan:
    • A statement of the student’s disability and its impact on their education
    • A description of the accommodations and modifications the student will receive
    • A statement of the procedural safeguards the student and their parents have


In conclusion, the list of accommodations and modifications Georgia offers a range of supports to help students with disabilities succeed. From assistive technology to social/emotional accommodations, there are many ways to provide students with the tools they need to thrive. Remember, every student is unique, and it’s up to educators and parents to work together to develop a list of accommodations and modifications Georgia that meets their individual needs.
