Accommodations For Hard Of Hearing Students

By | June 9, 2024

Accommodations for Hard of Hearing Students: Breaking Down Barriers

Accommodations for Hard of Hearing Students: Breaking Down Barriers


As a student, being able to communicate with your peers and professors is crucial for success. However, for hard of hearing students, this can be a major challenge. Thankfully, there are various accommodations for hard of hearing students that can help level the playing field.

What are Accommodations for Hard of Hearing Students?

Accommodations for hard of hearing students are modifications or adjustments made to the learning environment to help students with hearing impairments succeed. These accommodations can be divided into two main categories: academic and non-academic.

Academic Accommodations for Hard of Hearing Students

Academic accommodations for hard of hearing students are designed to help students access course materials and participate in class activities. Some common academic accommodations include:

  • Note-taking accommodations: Providing a note-taker or using assistive listening devices like FM systems or infrared systems to help students capture lecture notes.
  • Interpreter services: Offering sign language interpreters or Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) services to help students understand lectures and participate in discussions.
  • Captioning services: Providing captioned videos, podcasts, or online lectures to help students access multimedia content.
  • Modified assignments: Allowing students to complete assignments in alternative formats, such as submitting written answers instead of participating in oral presentations.

Non-Academic Accommodations for Hard of Hearing Students

Non-academic accommodations for hard of hearing students are designed to help students navigate campus life and access student services. Some common non-academic accommodations include:

  • Priority seating: Offering students priority seating in classrooms, auditoriums, or conference rooms to help them access visual cues and lip-read more easily.
  • Alerting systems: Installing flashing doorbells, vibrating alarm clocks, or other visual alerting systems in dorm rooms to help students stay safe and on schedule.
  • Communication support: Providing communication support in student services, such as counseling, tutoring, or health services, to help students access essential services.

The Importance of Self-Advocacy for Hard of Hearing Students

While accommodations for hard of hearing students are essential, self-advocacy is just as important. Hard of hearing students need to be proactive in seeking out accommodations and communicating their needs to professors, classmates, and campus staff.

Here are some tips for self-advocacy:

  • Disclose your needs: Inform your professors, classmates, and campus staff about your hearing impairment and the accommodations you need.
  • Ask for help: Don’t be afraid to ask for help or clarification when you need it.
  • Stay organized: Keep track of your assignments, schedules, and appointments using calendars, planners, or apps.

Building a Support Network

Building a support network is crucial for hard of hearing students. Here are some ways to build a support network:

  • Connect with disability services: Reach out to your campus disability services office for guidance, resources, and support.
  • Join a support group: Connect with other hard of hearing students through online forums, social media groups, or in-person support groups.
  • Find a mentor: Find a mentor who is experienced in navigating the campus environment as a hard of hearing student.

Strategies for Inclusive Teaching

Inclusive teaching strategies can help create a welcoming and accessible learning environment for hard of hearing students. Here are some strategies for inclusive teaching:

  • Use visual aids: Use visual aids like diagrams, flowcharts, or videos to help students understand complex concepts.
  • Provide transcripts: Provide transcripts of lectures, videos, or podcasts to help students access course materials.
  • Use clear language: Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to students.
  • Encourage participation: Encourage participation from all students and create opportunities for students to engage in discussions and activities.

Creating a Positive Classroom Environment

Creating a positive classroom environment is essential for hard of hearing students. Here are some tips for creating a positive classroom environment:

  • Use positive body language: Use positive body language like smiling, maintaining eye contact, and using gestures to create a welcoming atmosphere.
  • Encourage respect: Encourage respect among students and foster a sense of community and inclusiveness.
  • Be approachable: Be approachable and available to answer questions or provide support when needed.

Assistive Technology for Hard of Hearing Students

Assistive technology can help hard of hearing students access course materials, participate in class activities, and navigate campus life. Here are some examples of assistive technology:

  • Hearing aids: Using digital hearing aids that can connect to FM systems, Bluetooth systems, or smartphones.
  • Cochlear implants: Using cochlear implants that can help students hear and understand speech more clearly.
  • Captioning software: Using captioning software that can provide real-time captions of lectures, videos, or podcasts.
  • Speech-to-text software: Using speech-to-text software that can help students take notes, write papers, or communicate with peers.


Accommodations for hard of hearing students are essential for creating an inclusive and accessible learning environment. By providing academic and non-academic accommodations, promoting self-advocacy, and using inclusive teaching strategies, we can help hard of hearing students succeed and thrive. Remember, accommodations for hard of hearing students are not a one-size-fits-all solution – each student has unique needs and preferences that must be considered.

As educators, we have a responsibility to create a welcoming and inclusive environment that supports the diverse needs of all students, including those who are hard of hearing. By working together, we can break down barriers and create a more accessible and inclusive campus community for everyone.

Accommodations for hard of hearing students are about creating a level playing field, not an unfair advantage. Let’s work together to create a more inclusive and accessible learning environment for all.

By understanding the importance of accommodations for hard of hearing students and working together to create a more inclusive and accessible campus community, we can help hard of hearing students succeed and thrive.
